
Debugging is important, since everyone will make mistakes. Python has perfect traceback to help you find the problem. However, for asynchronous program, debugging has been divided into two levels – the application level and the eventloop level.

Here’s a simple example of debugging:

import futurefinity.web

import asyncio

loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()


app = futurefinity.web.Application(debug=True, loop=loop)

class MainHandler(futurefinity.web.RequestHandler):
    async def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
        raise HTTPError(500)
        return "Hello, World!"


except KeyboardInterrupt:

For most cases, the bug comes from the application, you can just turn on the application level debugging by passing debug=True to Application Class as a keyword argument.

For some rare situations, which means the FutureFinity itself may have bugs, we can use eventloop level debugging by executing asyncio.gen_event_loop().set_debug(True) before the eventloop starts.

You’ve finished this simple tutorial; however, this is not an end, this is a new start. You can see the rest of the documentation to comprehend FutureFinity deeper, or just write a simple application.